This week seemed to go so slooooooooow! I had been anticipating watching The Hunger Games movie since the second I heard there was even going to be a movie! Every day this week I would check my countdown app to see how many hours left! Last night FINALLY came! I went all out...had my Katniss braid, Girl On Fire makeup, Hunger Games T-Shirt AND my China Glaze Hunger Games polish on! All I needed was a bow & arrow but I used my better judgement & left it at home ;) We got to the theater around 9:30pm to wait in line for the midnight release...SO AMAZING!
Right before we left the house! EXCITEMENT! |
So now that I got a bit of my HG excitement out...I'll proceed with my Five-Faves of the week! :)
The Hunger Games
Ohhhh how did you EVER guess?! Obviously my first fave is going to the The Hunger Games. I first discovered this book from my amazing cousin Tracey (Hey girl, hey!) while I was on vacation in Las Vegas! She was telling me about it & I wasn't really sold, it sounded graphic and disturbing. I'm a chick-lit kinda girl. Well, my curiosity got the best of me! On the plane ride home I bought it on my Kindle. Best. Choice. Ever. I become so engrossed in this book it was insane! To this day, it remains one of my top reads. I hope if you're reading this and you haven't read The Hunger Games, not walk & get a copy to start reading immediately! You'll thank Tracey & I later.
MAC - Call Me Bubbles Quad
This is from the recent release of the Shop MAC collection. I saw this and wasn't excited one bit. These are colors I don't usually ever buy. I probably wear pinks, corals & oranges once in a blue moon. Why would I spend my money on shadows I'm not going to use? Well I saw some swatches online and was sold! I ordered this and had it overnighted. It came last week and I've used it at least 5 times! I am in love! Probably one of my most favorite quads I've ever come across. Yay for getting out of my "neutral-rut" I even used this for my "Girl On Fire" look last night!
Mineral Hygienics Foundation
I recently did a full in-depth review of these which can be found by clicking
here. (There also may, or may not be a promo code ;) check for yourself) I have used these every day since last week! My skin has never looked better! I've gotten so many compliments recently, this stuff is like magical skin powder! Everyone I talk to I've been telling them about this. I am HOOKED! I can't wait to use this on some of my clients. My skin is definitely going to be thanking me come the 100 degree weather! It's going to feel so good not having to wear heavy liquid foundation. Woot Woot!
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Lara Bar
I looove me some peanut butter. I looove me some chocolate. I looove me some Lara Bars! Wait, what?! All three combined? YES! I recently discovered this particular flavor and oh my stars. I love these puppies! They seriously taste like candy bars! I love Lara Bars because of the ingredients they use, in this particular bar, there are only 4: Dates, peanuts, salt & unsweetened chocolate chips! Not bad, eh? I've always got one of these in my pro kit, my purse or in a secret drawer I have in my desk.
Popcorn Indiana All Natural Kettle Corn
Kettle corn usually isn't my forte. When it comes to popcorn, I'm more of a "slathered in warm butter" kinda girl! I tried these at my Aunt Sherri's (Hiiiii Aunt Sherri!) during our first annual Valentine's Day Card Making & Cupcake Party. She whipped up a fun trail mix for all of us and this kettle corn was in it. WOWZA! After I left there, we went grocery shopping & I told my husband the first thing we MUST get is this kettle corn! I found cute little portion controlled baggies! These are now a staple in my snacking routine...that's right, I have a routine...for snacking :)
So that's it! Have you read The Hunger Games? Tried the Lara Bars? Looking to try the Mineral Hygienic Foundation? Your comments make me smile!
Until next time,
Marina - mCubed Makeup