For about 2 years, I've been using a prescription product called Latisse to help my lashes grow longer and thicker. It worked amazing for the first year...then I've started to notice horrible dark circles under my eyes (never had that before) itchyness on my lash line as well as very dry eyes. I live in the desert and wear contacts, my eyes are already dry enough, I don't need anything to add to it. I kept telling myself that it was okay to experience these side effects because I had amazing lashes. I was obviously in denial :-P
On top of the horrible side effects, the price is what KILLS me...$120! It depends on your usage, some people have to purchase every month, some every other...I've personally been able to spread it out every 2 1/2 months.
I couldn't believe all the amazing reviews for these products. Where have they been all of my life?!
The website and products claim that within 28 days you will notice a difference. I have some BEFORE pictures (quality sucks, it was before I got my new camera) and some AFTER pictures, along with pictures with mascara!
I was surprised with the size! It's huge! Kind of a drawback because it would be difficult to travel with. This says it removes even waterproof mascara..depending on my makeup for the day it sometimes didn't remove all traces of makeup. Sometimes I needed to use another remover before or after BUT this left my lashes feeling super soft. Soft = hydrated. Hydrated = healthier lashes. Healthier lashes = less lash loss. Whoo hoo! I must warn, I got some right into my eye and it STUNG! BAAAAD! I don't see myself repurchasing this item.
I used this morning and night for 30+ days. Within the first few days I noticed that my lashes were sooo much softer. I don't think my lashes will ever be as thick as they were with Latisse, but I haven't had any side effects with this product. It's so simple to use, I just put it on like mascara 2x a day. So easy. No burning, no stinging, no dry eyes. I think this is more for length than volume. I'm okay with that, beggars can't be choosers, right? This bottle still feels like it's full! That's awesome because that means more money in my pocket each month of using this! When I run out, I will DEFINITELY be purchasing another!
Eyebrow Lipocils
I shaved off my brows when I was in 7th's a picture to prove it
ACK! What was I THINKING?!
Anyways, they've never really grown back and I've always been very self conscious of it. I draw them on every day! Within 4 days of using this I was able to see a difference as did my husband and my mom! So 28 days goes by and I'm AMAZED at my left eyebrow, it has so much more shape and the hairs are so much longer! My right eyebrow is exactly the same *womp womp* What the heck?! I finally figured out that when I put it on my brows each night and go to bed, I was rubbing off the right side onto my pillow! Doh! Be sure to let this dry completely before bed or one eye will look awesome and the other, weeeeeell, not so awesome. This is very simple to use, it looks like a doe-footed lipgloss wand & you just apply it onto your brows 2x a day. I love this product and just like the Eyelash Lipocils, it feels full! I will DEFINITELY purchase when I run out!
Eyelash Conditioning Cream
Conditioning Cream next to an EOS balm to show how small it is! |
I didn't use this religiously...I actually plan on using this and only this on my lashes for the next 30 days to see how this is. It's not as easy to apply as the Lipocils, but my lashes and lash line feel super soft after applying this. I didn't experience any burning either!
Eyebrow Extender
See the little fibers? |
I swiped it across my hand to show how it looks. |
This product is supposed to be extensions for your brows. The color I was sent was black, my brows aren't black so this looked a little unnatural on me. I just clicked the bottom (like a lip gloss) and then applied it across my brows. They looked very wet but not much more thicker. I was hoping this would make them look a lot darker! Since I have to fill in my brows, this made it look really unnatural. I think for a person who has more brows to begin with this may work pretty well!
Eyelash Extender
If you look in the picture, you can see how the little fibersare EVERYWHERE! |
Wah! I really wanted this to work for me. I saw so many awesome reviews about this product!
When I first saw this I was so confused, "Why did they send me a tube of black carpet fuzz??" Well, the so called "carpet fuzz" are little black fibers that attach to your lashes and create longer looking lashes without having to wear falsies. I tried applying this sooo many ways but each time I was left with a million little black fuzzies on my face. They are like magnetic fuzzy guys :(
I put one coat of a mascara on, then I lightly tapped the fiber filled wand onto the tips of my lashes and then went in with another coat of mascara to seal it. The little fibers went every-which way. It made me look like I had spider lashes. Not a cute look. If anyone has tips on maybe how it worked for them please let me know! I had such high hopes for this but as of now, I'd have to say I will not be repurchasing this product.
Look at how red my lash line had become from using Latisse. Yikes! |
AFTER PHOTOS (28 days after first application)
They have much more shape!! |
Brows are very lightly penciled in. Lashes are much darker.
Brows filled in & mascara applied |
I DEFINITELY recommend the Eyebrow & Eyelash Lipocils. I am loving the results and can't wait to see my brows even out!
These products, plus much more can be purchased from the
Talika website (I've also seen it on the DermStore website!)
I'd love to hear your feedback or questions! Are you currently using an eyelash/brow growth stimulator? Would you ever try one?
Until next time,
Marina - mCubed Makeup